Wale explains Kid Cudi truce, says its Bigger Than Hip Hop

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Now a member of Maybach Music, Wale decided to take a trip down memory lane. After having a great friendship with fellow newcomer, Kid Cudi, the two engaged in a feud. However, the two managed to end their feud earlier this year.

Wale said Kid Cudi contacted him via Twitter. Following his message, the two decided to talk. Once they talked, the friendship was immediately reinstated. Because they were friends, aside from the beef, it did not take much.

Recently, Wale opened up about why the feud was so easily ended. The DC rapper said he and Kid Cudi opened up about why they were mad. When everything was out in the open, they were able to work through things and make peace.

Wale said personal issues in both of their lives helped them to go ahead and end the feud in order to get back to making music.

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