By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer
Jay-Z and Kanye West grabbed headlines when they announced their own collaboration album. They quickly hit the media with a title, Watch the Throne. While Jay-Z has given Kanye West credit for years, West said it would be the first time the two share the mic as equals.
Quickly, the album caught the attention of the hip hop world. Rival rapper, 50 Cent spoke on the album, saying it would do wonders for hip hop. Surprisingly, Drake accused the two rappers of stealing the concept from he and Lil Wayne. Jay-Z and Kanye West immediately released the "H.A.M." single.
"H.A.M." received minor radio play, but fared well the critics of the rappers. However, nothing came to back up the song and buzz for the album ended. Recently, the duo announced Bangladesh would be doing production work for the album. Now, Jay-Z has spoken on the album, acknowledging the album has been on delay for some time. Jay-Z said it is time for him and Kanye West to get focused on the music.