Lupe Fiasco hates the Internet

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Record labels have been helped and hurt by the internet with the new technology. But, for artists, it has been an easy way to connect with the rest of the world. Such sites as ReverbNation have helped many rappers and singers build international buzz.

But, for established artists, the internet can hurt more than it helps because they are known. Several websites covering hip hop have launched over the years, such as Hip Hop Vibe. Many of these sites call it how they see it, some even bash artists.

With hip hop geared towards party music, Lupe Fiasco is usually criticized for being intellectual. Lupe Fiasco feels hip hop sites do more harm than good for artists. At times, Lupe says he wishes the internet did not exist.

Instead of promoting his music, the Chicago rapper is usually caught up reading what the hip hop sites have said about him.

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