Sabu: More to be Revealed

By The Voice
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Many hip hop fans may not be familiar with Sabu, but he has been around since the beginning. Long before the internet was widespread and before rap was on the radio, Sabu was doing his thing.

Sabu has worked with many of the major artists in the game and he has created hit singles. But, Sabu made a move that surprised many when he decided to remain an independent artist.

While he is an independent artist, Sabu is the leader of his own movement, Cment Boot Music Group. The crew was established in New York City in 2001 and is currently based out of Jacksonville, NC.

On the outside looking in, Sabu has been an outsider to the game, but he has been right in the mix. He and his Cment Boot family have recorded tracks over the years. Now, they are waiting on the perfect time to release the new music. With the "hip hop is dead" discussion still ongoing and reaching new heights, Sabu has decided to unleash his music to the public.

Sabu sat down with Hip Hop Vibe for an exclusive interview, "More to be Revealed."

Having been in the game for years, how does it feel taking a back seat while the new guys dominate the radio?
I'm not taking a back seat because there's classic music that we listen to today that I've had my hands in. A lot of the music that's on the radio are sampled from those classic songs that I've been a part of. So taking a back seat, not at all.

Often you speak of giving the game what it has been missing, what is that?
True hip hop. Hip hop from the gut. Everyone has to eat but I'm talking about being in the game because you love it. I'm talking about that back in the day hip-hop that we use to call "Jams". The kind of music that made you smile and feel good and you didn't worry about being shot when you left the club.

What will make the consumers want to go out and purchase music from Sabu or Cment Boot Music Group, for that matter?
Our music is relevant and it's not just a fad. It's not just for today or just for the radio. It makes you stop and listen as well as think. Our music is not a gimmick and you have a lot of that in the industry today. When you think about it, we all hear the same 10 songs on the radio all day, everyday and our fans are tired of that. We make music for the soul and there's something for everyone. Not everything is for everybody but there's something for you.

As a family-oriented man, what roles do your family have with the overall Cment Boot company?
It's their company. I built it with there futures in mind. Me per-say, I am an artist at heart, but a businessman by circumstance. So many children today become fans but not mine. I want them to know the business side of things and I always tell them it's all Hollywood and don't believe the hype. Don't get me wrong, they like music like anyone else but I teach them to respect it, not worship it.

How has hip hop helped, or hindered you in being a father?
Hip hop has been good to me. Not on an international scale or even on a national scale, however, it has afforded me the opportunity to make extra income to provide for my family, and that's what real fathers do. Now how cool is that?

When your children were growing up, did you strive to be the "cool dad?"
Not at all. They grew up around the music and I was always just POP. and they didn't think I was cool.

As an older man, who has lived, raised a family, and had a career, what effect does this have on your music?
Everything. I draw on my life experience to create this music.

What attracted you to Jacksonville, NC after leaving The Bronx?
The Military and the government, The same thing that brings anybody to Jacksonville, NC.

Had you ever heard of Jacksonville while you were living up North?
Yes. My family is Military.

Do you keep contact with your connections in New York City?
Yes. Some of my buddies have a lot going on and a lot of new stuff about to drop. Keep your eyes open for DJ LG and the artist he's about to drop and Ike-C and his camp. Sham and Lil Sham. These are some people and artist to look out for, these are just some of my NYC connections.

Can you explain your relationship with veteran, Fat Joe?
Oh yeah. On the Benzino and The Untouchables video shoot, we met and it opened some doors and offered me the opportunity to pitch my music to him and some other artists. Nothing has transpired, as of yet, but I'm still working. Fat Joe, great guy.

Should fans expect to hear collaborations from any big names on your album?

Why did you decide to take the independent route for Cment Boot, when you could have easily gotten a distribution deal with a major label?
As a kid, I dealt with the majors and it didn't work out. I make music and didn't need someone to tell me what's good and what's not. When it comes to the majors, all they have that I need is money. Now with the opportunity to have my music enjoyed and listen to world wide over the internet. Fuck em.

Is there a reason for you choosing 2011 as the year to officially relaunch Cment Boot Music Group?
Cment Boot Music Group is not a relaunch. We been around for a minute, People are just starting to catch on. The comments and emails that we get, lets us know that we are on the right track. We are not the best and never said that we are the best, but our fans love us and we are the real deal.

How many products does Cment Boot intend to release this year into next year?
1,2,3,? We have a large catalog so we'll see.

Will Cment Boot Music Group be collaborating with any other artists on a national scale, or locally, for their new music?
Absolutely. We've been contacted by several local artists and yes we plan on working with these artists.

Can you tell the fans a little bit about your oldest son?
They are artists. 1/10 and Panic. They are both college students and doing their thing.

When will you reveal the "More to be Revealed?"
We have not set a release date yet, but "More to be Revealed."

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