Kanye West will not sing on New Album

Kanye West has been credited as one of the best rappers of all-time. In 2007, most critics could agree with fans in saying that West was on top of his game. His albums were going in order as he debuted as The College Dropout, he returned with Late Registration, and finally he attended his own Graduation. What was to come next was a Good Ass Job.

However, after the release of Graduation, Kanye West had to deal with multiple losses. He had major plans for the remainder of 2007 and for the future. West would lose out on a major business deal with Fat Burger and his own HBO sitcom. Those losses were minor compared to what happened next. He would lose his own mother and his fiancée.

Because of all of the losses, Kanye West found himself trying to mend a broken heart. The best way that he could express himself was through his music. Kanye West soon took to his auto-tune to create his classic 808s & Heartbreak album. On the album, he expressed his heartbreaks and he called the creation “therapy.”

In a matter of one year, Kanye West proved that he was one of the best rappers and one of the best singers in the game. After the success of his R&B debut, there was speculation that Kanye may begin singing on all of his albums. However, last summer, he revealed that he will not take the R&B route on his next album.

However, recently, the producers for his album have confirmed that Good Ass Job will feature absolutely no techno and no singing from Kanye West.

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